

The pollution caused by discharges of wastewater into rivers and coastal water bodies, and its impact on both the environment and human health, is a global problem that must be tackled with a comprehensive approach. To reduce the environmental risks associated with the presence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and microplastics, a common strategy must be drawn up, and effective cross-border cooperation must be established. Such efforts will lead to a reduction in the emission of these pollutants. 

The aim of the BlueWWater project is to improve the quality of river, transitional and coastal water bodies by controlling, monitoring, and evaluating the emissions of microplastics and CECs into the aquatic environment in both regions. Additionally, it seeks to ensure the sustainable use of water resources and support the implementation of existing European Community legislation, in preparation for upcoming regulatory changes. 

BlueWWater will support the authorities in implementing European Community legislation on water quality (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC, and Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC, currently under revision) by developing and optimising analytical methods for detecting and monitoring pollutants. Likewise, it will assess the efficiency of the use of advanced treatment technologies in improving the treatment of urban waste, evaluate the potential reuse of treated water for agricultural irrigation, and develop tools to help assess the environmental risk of these pollutants. 

BlueWWater builds on a significant body of knowledge and expertise generated within the framework of the NOR-WATER project “Emerging Pollutants in the Waters of Galicia and North Portugal: New Tools for Risk Management”, funded by the Galicia-North Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. Many of BlueWWater’s partners participated in this project (USC, INTECMAR, FEUP, CMIA-CMVDC, Aquamuseu and coordinated by CIIMAR) along with APA-ARH.









This website has been co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2021-2027 Programme. The opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
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