Centro Gallego de Investigaciones del Agua – CETAQUA


The Fundación Centro Gallego de Investigaciones del Agua (CETAQUA Galicia) (Water Technology Centre) is a technological centre that drives R+D+I projects aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the water cycle through the development of products and technologies. Its public-private collaboration model ensures that the results of the projects in which it participates align with market needs.

CETAQUA has extensive experience in developing advanced technologies for the treatment of both industrial and urban wastewater, including pharmaceutical, hospital and chemical sectors, among others. Additionally, it has been involved in developing processes for monitoring and sampling emerging contaminants.

Through its participation in this project, CETAQUA will expand its knowledge of the tools that are used to assess microplastics and contaminants of emerging concern. Additionally, it will substantially improve the way it monitors these compounds, fostering synergies with other centres in the region to collectively devise solutions aimed at adapting to the new wastewater regulations to be implemented in the POCTEP area.


Teresa Alvariño Pereira


Vila da Auga,

Rúa de José Villar Granjel, 33, Aquahub – A, 15890 Santiago de

Compostela, A Coruña



This website has been co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2021-2027 Programme. The opinions expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
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